Training for adults

One of the differences between children and adults is responsibilities. Part of growing up is learning that your actions bears consequences and that you are accountable for them. This can be a difficult realization and once in a while we probably all wish for it not to be true. But apart from keeping us from doing certain things, responsibility for our actions also teaches us that we can impact the world around us and change it.

Actions over time equals behaviour. We are our actions so to speak.

This is true when it comes to training just as it is with other parts of our lives. If we do not like the picture that stares back at us in the mirror or want to be able to be self-sufficient and mobile for as much of our lives as possible, then we can change our lives. Talking about it and not making any change is also an action that bears consequences. If we do not take action then no one can do it for us.

Our bodies is the manifestation of our being in the world. It is our vessel and our means of interacting with the world. It should be our top priority to learn how to look after it. We should not all of us strive to run 100 meter in under 10 seconds or deadlift 200 kilos, but we should learn and know enough about our bodies and training to maintain our health for as long as possible.

We need to take responsibility for our own training. Responsibility for our goals. Learn how to structure workouts. Rely on people to guide us, not to prescribe us. A good coach will teach you how to fish, not serve you fish.

If we assign the responsibility for the outcome with the trainer, then we can blame them if we fail or let them have the praise if we succeed – none of which are good scenarios. Yes, a bad coach can be the reason for a setback, but not a failure. If the coach is bad, then change the coach and move along on the journey with someone else. Then you can praise yourself for two things; realising it did not work and taking action to correct it. Those are life lessons that build character and will help you with your training – not hurt you.

Training for adults is about realising that as grown-ups we are responsible for our own lives and that we need to live up to that. We should seek out guidance – sure. Especially in endeavours where we are unskilled. But it should be guidance not a lift on the back on someone else’s goal. We should always strive to understand not only what we are asked to do but why we are asked to do it. Why is the program structured as it is? Why is the repetition and sets as they are? Why do they differ from exercise to exercise and perhaps even from week to week? Why are we getting prescribed 5 repetitions for 5 sets instead of 4 repetitions of 10 in the deadlift for instance. Educate yourself and take ownership of your own training even if you have a coach.

Expensive coaches can be worth it if they teach you the "why" and not only "what". A good coach makes themselves obsolete. A bad one makes sure that you have to come back for more.

Educate yourselves by looking up videos online, listening to good podcasts or reading books and then just throw yourself into it. Or find a good coach invest yourself fully into the journey. Not just your money. That is the easy part. Do it for yourself. As an adult. Learn how to catch a fish. Not how to buy one.

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